Friday, July 16, 2010

Batters up: The Start

So after signing up for a 3 month long subscription to the dating site, the emails started coming in. I received flirts, winks and emails and it was great. I had written down what I thought was a great profile/bio, but then I looked at it from a males' perspective and quickly changed it. What I had written made me appear as a 70 year old woman who was tired of reading my books and watching soap operas. So it quickly changed.

After changing a bit of my bio and swapping my pictures for some new ones, I had more potential and I was ready for what was going to come. Now what I was looking for in a guy was simple so I was very specific.

NO children
Enjoys being around his family and friends
Into health and fitness
Likes to experience life
Business/career set
Nationality doesn't matter
Height bracket of 5'10 to 6'4. Yes, I love tall men (I'd make an exception to a guy that is 5'7).

Hey, it's online dating, why not say what I really want. I figure, what's the worst man I can possible get. Soon I'd find out with Dater #1, his name Dr. Sweet & Short

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